Indigos (and ‘damaged Indigos’)
The following comments are speculative and intuitive, and therefore may be neither true nor valid – and are likely to have meaning only to those of an Indigo nature.
Much has been written in recent years (in books and website discussions) on the subject of Indigos (both children and adults) – human beings with special sensitivities and abilities. The name refers to a preponderance of blue spectrum perceived clairvoyantly in the auras of such people. Many of the people attracted to energy psychology, and the general idea of subtle energies – and thus many who may be drawn to this website – seem to be Indigos.
Some of the generally recognised features of Indigos include the following (which may not be immediately apparent in the case of ‘damaged Indigos’):
- Heightened emotional and psychological sensitivities – including capacities for empathy.
- A strong aversion to witnessing suffering in others, and a wish to heal the pain experienced by others.
- Natural capacities for telepathy, clairvoyance and other ‘psychic’ abilities.
- A tendency to be overwhelmed by loud, intense, or discordant emotional or sensory stimulation.
- An awareness of higher ‘spiritual’ dimensions, along with a striving for understanding and contact with these dimensions.
- A strong inherent moral sensitivity.
- An intolerance of conventional morals and attitudes that are discordant with the person’s inner moral sensitivity.
- A strong spiritual awareness or continual seeking, combined with an aversion to conventional, organised, or dogmatic forms of religion.
- An emotional-psychological openness that can appear at times somewhat childlike.
Whilst these might seem essentially positive and desirable characteristics, there are negative and shadow aspects of Indigos. One reason is the inherent conflict between higher and lower natures – so that an Indigo could appear both ‘demonic’ and ‘angelic’. There is an inherent tension between the higher dimensional frequencies that Indigos can access and the lower dimensional (damaged and distorted) aspects of the human physical and psychological frame. This tension has a tendency to manifest at times as physical ill-health, such as chronic fatigue.
Indigos have a natural capacity to receive higher dimensional frequencies of information. This creates tension in two ways. First, their intuition may, as a result, be radically at odds with conventional perspectives. Secondly, the enhanced psychic awareness of the Indigo contributes to a tendency to feel overwhelmed. This may be associated with conditions that resemble ADHD.
Because of these tensions, Indigos may, for part of their lives, turn against their own nature, becoming hostile to spirituality and seeking to embrace lower forms of hedonism or competitive strivings for material success.
Damaged Indigos
Many Indigos fall into this group. Being inherently very sensitive, in almost every way (emotionally, physically, psychically), and often perceived as ‘odd’ by others, Indigos find being in the material world quite difficult. Not only are they easily hurt by the ordinary emotional rough and tumble of the narcissistic injuries of everyday life, but they can easily be targets for mockery or bullying. They may attempt to survive by suppressing their Indigo nature. The result may be a persona that appears cold, cynical, or exploitative – fearful of emotional closeness and expressions of love. Turning to drugs and alcohol may frequently occur amongst this group. In time, and given appropriate signals and nurturance, the damaged Indigo may discover his or her true nature.
There also appear to be some who are 'anti-Indigos', who take a stance of hostility toward Indigo values and characteristics.
I have posted this page in the hope of encouraging those who may be of an Indigo nature to seek further information through searching and reading relevant books and websites.
Note. 'Indigos' is not a psychoanalytic concept, nor is it found within conventional psychological discourse.